Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Concert and Gingerbread Fun!

The Christmas concert went great! They did a great job singing and looked adorable in their concert outfits :) Here are some pictures from the concert!

We got a surprise package delivered to our classroom! Our very own elf on the shelf. We named him Elfie Brian. He has been watching us in the classroom to make sure we are being good bucket fillers :) He has been up to some mischief in our classroom and hallway, but he is a good reminder for us to be good friends and students!

We have been reading the different gingerbread books and comparing the setting, characters, refrain and ending of each book! The students enjoyed the story "The Gingerbread Baby" by Jan Brett. We watched a video on YouTube where Jan Brett taught us how to draw our own gingerbread baby. The kids loved trying watching her illustrate the gingerbread baby and creating their own! Here are our gingerbread babies!

During writing time we wrote about what it would be like if we were a gingerbread boy or girl!









We started our unit about holidays around the world last week by learning about Christmas. We read the book, "A New and Improved Santa" and created our own Santas! Here are our creations:

Cowgirl Santa

 Melika Santa 

Basketball Santa

Kid Santa

Dillon Santa

Rock and Roll Santa

Rocker Santa

Army Santa

Bus Driver Santa

Spirit Lake Football Santa

Singer Santa

Fire Fighter Santa

Basketball Santa

Strong Weight Lifting Santa

Teacher Santa

Matthew Santa

 Just a reminder of some important dates coming up before Christmas Break:

Nutcracker at SAMI Center- Friday, December 14th at 1:15

Polar Express Day (Please wear pajamas)- Monday, December 17th

Christmas Party- Wednesday, December 19th at 1:45

Last Day of school for students before Christmas Break- Thursday, December 20th


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Giving Thanks in Kindergarten!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with your families! We have been spending the last week learning about Native Americans and the first Thanksgiving. We learned how some Native Americans carve totem poles to tell stories. We have been working hard on creating our class totem pole. Here is a video of our class totem pole we made.

We created Native American vests and had a Thanksgiving dinner in the cafeteria.

Some of the freshmen came over and read Thanksgiving stories to us!

I am very thankful for the 18 kindergarteners in my class!